As a 2yr old toddler, my son thought I could fix everything. When he would accidentally rip a book or break a toy, he would bring it to me, and say “Fix it. Fix it Mummy”
Usually I would try to “fix” whatever challenge he would throw my way. You’d be surprised what some tape and glue can do. Or sometimes it would require extra screws, a screwdriver and perhaps a new battery or two. However, there was a rather high percentage of times when I could not do anything to help the poor toy or book, and I would say “Sorry, mummy can’t fix this. It’s broken”. He would then look at me puzzled and say “yes, you can!”
I disappointed my toddler many a time with my inability to fix broken beloved items, but it is encouraging to know there is a heavenly Father who can “fix” whatever “broken” thing we bring to Him. He especially wants to reach out to us when we are broken inside and need fixing (see Psalm 34:18 , Psalm 147:3 , Psalm 73:26, Isaiah 55:1-3). It may not always be the “fix” that we want, but He surely does love us, His thoughts toward us are always good and never evil (Jer 29:11), and He works ALL things out for our good - “to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom 8:28). So even when things don’t feel so good, we can still trust that our heavenly Father is working it all out for our good.
The word of God says that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17). God loves when we come to Him humble - knowing that we cannot fix ourselves or our broken situations. He longs for us to fully depend on Him because He is truly the only one who can fix and make us whole. He longs to be your heavenly Father. Will you trust in Him today?